Friday, 13 January 2012

Exhibition @ David Roberts Art Foundation, London

Fig. 4: Time Capsules and Conditions of Now - Installation view

Fig. 4: Time Capsules and Conditions of Now, David Roberts Art Foundation, London (2012)


Ground Floor:

Lisa Skuret, Audio-Fictions, 2011, 7 MP3 Players
- As in a Particular Case of Time-Space
- Enter Red-Consciousness
- One Damn Thing After Another OR An Empathic Mirror-Touch
- "Derek Tastes of Earwax" or Now is Five-Fold Synaesthesia

Kaz, Never the Same Stream, 2012
Double video projection installation, glass sheets, mirror ball, and mirror ball motor

Soledad Garcia, Why Patterns?

Ole Hagen, I Can See You, 2012
Mixed media

Vanda Playford, Lucy, 2012, Diptych
Photographic C41 Colour Print

Lisa Skuret, One Damn Thing After Another OR An Empathic Mirror-Touch, 2012
Fiction-Installation (continued on the lower floor)

Ole Hagen, I Can Hear You, 2012
Mixed Media

Vanda Playford, Feline, 2012, Diptych
Photographic C41 Colour Print

Lower Floor:

Lisa Skuret, One Damn Thing After Another OR An Empathic Mirror-Touch, 2012
Fiction-Installation (as continued from the ground floor)

Soledad Garcia, Adenosine, 2011
Reel Tape

Kaz, Chasing Your Own Tale, 2012
Video projection installation with mirror ball and mirror ball motor

Ole Hagen, I Can Touch You, 2012
Mixed Media

(all photographs are copyright of Sylvain Deleu)

Lisa Skuret wishes to thank Dustin Ericksen and Seth Ayyaz; Ole Hagen wishes to thank Ollie Verschoyle, Kit Poulson and Hareth Pochee; Soledad Garcia wishes to thank Juan Luis Martinez and D21 Galleria de Arte.